Sunday, December 13, 2009

ok so here are the pics I promised....

First up, some swap items:

Next an afghan for a good friend...

Some more swap stuff:

Something for my Pop who LOVES mints:

Another afghan for a friend:

Some snowflakes as requested for a friend's tree:

And a little something I made for me and the kids this summer but never posted a pic for:

Other things not posted but still being worked on are: a baby afghan for my step-nephew, Sydney's crayon, some Christmas decorations...prolly more but I can't remember lol

Hope you all have a happy and healthy holiday season!


Debbi-a1 said...

Wow. What great items. You do great work and receive great items.

~Sher~ said...

thank you so much deb :)

Karla said...

Came here to your blog from C'ville. I loved your request for 6" or 8" squares for a "friends from c'ville" afghan. What a great idea!

So I'm visiting your blog and the first thing I see is that "Christmas tree". How cute is that?! Was that given to you or did you make it? I love the idea and how simple it looks to make.

Going to read more!

~Sher~ said...

karla -

for a few years now i've been asking for friendship squares and as to date - i have only 4 squares. :( the christmas tree i made. its simply granny squares folded over. the squares are different sizes. the smallest being 4 rows of green, 1 of white. middle square is 5 rows of green and largest is 6. once the squares were done i simply hot glued them over then glued on some ornies :)

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