Sunday, January 20, 2008

Now that I'm feeling a wee bit better, I ran over to Dawn's site and "hacked" at the pics she took of the things I sent her. :D Sadly I had several pics I took of them before I sent her package but my 18yo son decided this year he wanted to give everyone Christmas presents and resorted to stealing and selling my digital camera (along with numerous other items out of my room). So here are the pics:

I really had a great time making things for Dawn. While getting to know more about her during this swap, she told me how she lost alot of things in a housefire awhile back - many ornaments, dolls her Grandmother made for her, etc. I tried to not replace those things she lost because no matter how hard I would have tried, I could never have accomplished such a feat, but I did try to create new loves and fondness for those things she lost and solidify her fantastic memories of those items. Sometimes memories are wonderful and meaning and sentimental and soothing for the soul. But when you can look at something that sparks one of those memories, sometimes its simply more magical. I hope I managed to make Dawn some magical strolls down memory lane with the things I sent. Either way, I had a really fun time making them. I hope you all enjoy seeing them as much.


Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! UPDATES!!! /swirltapbrushfaint

Anonymous said...

see you finally had time to update ,good for you